Peach Melba: Peach, Raspberry and Vanilla Alcohol-Free Martini

When the weather gets hot and you are craving something cold and sweet, shake up a glass of this guilt-free Peach, Raspberry and Vanilla Alcohol-Free Martini.

Inspired by Auguste Escoffier’s classic raspberry and peach dessert, this mocktail reimagines the recipe in a refreshing, flavor-packed coupe.

The peach puree gives the drink a sorbet-like consistency: smooth and velvety with a clean, tart finish accented by the raspberries and lime.  The vanilla brings a refined floral, caramel character to the fresh fruit – something a little more sophisticated for the adults.

It’s delicious on its own but partners exceptionally well with a bowl of vanilla ice cream too.  Alternatively, ditch the ice cream and swirl some fresh pouring cream into the mocktail for something undeniably decadent.

Serves 1
Preparation time: 30 mins (including preparation and cooling time)


  • 5 raspberries (approx. 30g)
  • 1 small peach – stoned, peeled and roughly cut into pieces (approx. 75g)
  • ½ oz. (15 ml) freshly squeezed lime juice (approx. ½ lime)
  • 1 tsp. (2.5 ml) vanilla bean paste
  • ¼ oz. (7.5 ml) agave nectar
  • Water
  • Ice 
  • ½ oz. (15 ml) pouring cream (optional)

To garnish:

  • A slice of fresh peach


  • Heavy-bottomed saucepan with lid
  • Wooden spoon or heat resistant spatula
  • Fine-mesh sieve
  • Immersion hand blender
  • Jigger or measuring spoons
  • Citrus juicer
  • Shaker
  • Martini glass


  1. First, start with the raspberries.
  2. Into the saucepan over medium-high heat, add the raspberries and 2 tablespoons of water.
  3. Mush the berries into the water and bring to the boil.
  4. Stir constantly for 2 minutes until the mixture reduces slightly.
  5. Take off the heat, put the saucepan lid on, and leave for 15 minutes to infuse.
  6. Press the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve to separate the seeds and pulp from the juice.  Set the juice aside to cool.
  7. Next, make the peach puree.
  8. Using an immersion hand blender, liquidize the peaches with 1 tablespoon of water until you achieve a smooth puree.
  9. Pass the mixture through the fine-mesh sieve to ensure that there aren’t any lumps.
  10. Finally, assemble the mocktail.
  11. Into the cocktail shaker, add the raspberry juice, peach puree, lime juice, and vanilla bean paste.
  12. Throw in some ice and shake vigorously for 15-20 seconds or until the outside of the shaker is extremely cold.
  13. Strain into a martini glass.
  14. Garnish with a slice of peach.

Variation:  If you want something really special, add some pouring cream into the cocktail shaker for a creamy after-dinner treat.

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Peach, Raspberry and Vanilla Alcohol-Free Martini FAQ

Do I need to cook raspberries?
Cooking down the raspberries helps to concentrate the berry flavor in the juice.  If you are using very sweet and ripe raspberries, you can skip this step and blend the fresh berries with the peach instead.  You’ll still want to use a fine-mesh sieve to separate the seeds and pulp from the juice.

What type of cream is pouring cream?
Pouting cream is also known as “light cream” or “single cream”.  It has a relatively low fat content around 18-30% which makes it lighter than heavy cream but richer than half-and-half.  It has a smooth and pourable consistency, hence the name “pouring cream”.

Do I need to pass the blended peach through a fine mesh sieve?
To achieve a completely smooth consistency, it’s recommended to pass the blended peach through a fine mesh sieve to remove any lumps.  If you are happy with a more rustic finish, you can skip this step.

Can I use frozen raspberries instead of fresh ones?
Ripe, fresh raspberries will impart the best taste.  However, you can use frozen raspberries if fresh ones are not available.  Simply pop them straight into the saucepan: no need to defrost.  You may need to add a little extra sweetener if the berries are on the tart side.

How long does it take for the raspberry mixture to cool?
The raspberry juice should cool relatively quickly if you are only making 1-2 mocktails: usually within 10-15 minutes.  To speed up the cooling process, transfer the juice to a wide bowl for maximum exposure to the air.  You could also place the mixture in the fridge as a last resort.

Can I use canned peaches instead of fresh ones?
While fresh, ripe peaches are recommended for the best flavor, you can use canned peaches as a substitute.  You’ll need to drain and rinse the peaches from their juice/syrup before blending them to make the puree.

Can I use a regular blender instead of an immersion hand blender?
Yes, you can use any type of blender for this recipe.  I like to use an immersion hand blender because it’s easy to assemble and clean, but any blender will work.  The key is to ensure that the peach puree achieves a smooth consistency.

Can I use a different type of fruit instead of peaches?
Yes, you can substitute the peaches with nectaries, mangoes, or strawberries for a different mocktail flavor.  Follow the same method with the puree.  You may need to adjust the amount of sweetener used based on the type of fruit used.

Are there any alternatives to vanilla bean paste?
If you don’t have vanilla bean paste, you can use vanilla extract as a substitute.  Start with ½ teaspoon and adjust based on your taste preferences.  Vanilla bean paste contains a sweetener, so you may need to increase the amount of agave syrup used to compensate.

Can I make a larger batch of the mocktail?
Yes, you can easily scale up the recipe to make a larger batch.  Simply adjust the quantities of the ingredients accordingly and shake the mocktail in batches.  Alternatively, you could use a jug for mixing too.

Can children or non-drinkers enjoy this mocktail?
Yes.  This Peach Raspberry Vanilla Alcohol-Free Martini is suitable for all ages.  It does not contain any alcohol and can be enjoyed by children and non-drinkers alike.  The agave syrup sweetener can be omitted if you’d prefer to serve an unsweetened version to younger kids.  The vanilla bean paste can also be excluded if children find it too sophisticated in flavor.

Can I skip the garnish if I don’t have a slice of peach?
Yes, the garnish is optional and you can skip it if you don’t have a peach.  You could also consider other garnishes like a slice of lime on the rim or a cocktail stick of raspberries for a different visual appeal.

Did you make this?  Tag me @mightymocktail or use the hashtag #mightymocktail!

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